The development workflow with LAAT adds a new step. With LAAT you can use CI/CD to automate releases and updates to your mod, you have deterministic builds, and most importantly, you have much less code to mantain. LAAT aims to fix that, by automating as much of the Arma 3 Aux Mod development process as possible, all while-adhering to insdustry-standard software engineering practices in the process. That unit ultimately failed due to this issue.
However, after reaching a critical mass, the requests became too much for one developer to handle. Initially it was easy to handle the demand, make a texture, convert from png > paa, and write the nessecary configuration. At our peak we had around 50 members, each of whom would, over time, get their own custom armor added to our mod.
I ran an Arma 3 unit for close to 6 months.
It is a tool hoping to ease the Arma 3 mod development process, not make it easier to steal other people's copyrighted works. The LAAT Devlopment team is not resposible for any mods or content uploaded to the Steam Workshop using LAAT. LAAT is a CLI tool for generating Arma 3 Aux mods from simpler TOML configuration files.